How to Make Money Online is The Biggest Lie!

How to Make Money Online is The Biggest Lie!

Just like 99% of people, I want to make money online. So, I went to Google and searched ‘how to make money online.’ 

Thousands of links appeared, and I opened some of them, but I wasn’t satisfied and didn’t get any clarity. 

Then, I went to YouTube and searched ‘how to make money online.’ Thousands of videos came into my feed. 

I clicked on one video, then the second, the third, and so on, and I found myself going down a rabbit hole.

But what’s wrong with wanting to get some information about how to make money online if someone has no idea?

You won’t believe how many people are being misled by false promises and get-rich-quick schemes. 

In today’s video, we will see how some so-called young millionaires and gurus are fooling their own subscribers.

Common Myths

Just like me, when you search these terms like ‘how to make money online,’ there are only 1% of people who may be true and genuine, but the rest 99% are just waiting to fool people like me and you. 

Don’t mind it; we are just seeing the reality, so don’t get offended.

1. Get rich quick

The first myth on the internet is ‘get rich quick’ schemes. What is it? It is simply when you search on YouTube or anywhere else and see videos like ‘Make 1 million dollars in a month,’ ‘How I turned my $100 into 100 lakh dollars,’ and ‘This method makes you a millionaire in a year.’ 

You may relate to these titles and videos on the internet. Some ads promise things like, ‘You can make thousands of dollars overnight with minimal effort.’ 

But wait, what is the reality? Is it possible, or is it just a money-making tactic for those who are running ads and making videos on the internet?


As per its name, ‘get rich quick’ simply means starting today and making thousands of dollars tomorrow. 

Indirectly, in our subconscious, we believe that it might be real, even though our logic says, ‘How is it possible?’ But we don’t take ourselves seriously and blindly follow their path. 

They teach things like trading, which is completely unpredictable and requires luck and some kind of skill. 

There are some people who may have made a lot of money, but it’s not a proven way to generate income. So, it is a pure waste of time and a money-making tactic for the scammers.

2. No Skills Required

As its name suggests, ‘get rich quick’ schemes attract many people because, by nature, we tend to avoid putting in effort. 

So-called YouTubers take advantage of this by running ads with titles like, ‘You don’t need any specific skills or knowledge to make money online.’ 

That’s how they hook you, and then you get trapped in their net like a fish.


Without skills, you can’t make money online. From a CEO to a simple factory worker, every role requires a specific skill set to generate the desired outcome. 

Many people know this fact, but they are still attracted to the idea of making money without any skills. 

To succeed in making money online, you typically need to develop specific skills such as digital marketing, content creation, coding, or business management. 

While there are entry-level opportunities, advancing in any online field requires learning and honing your skills.

3. Passive Income with No Effort:

The idea of passive income streams that require no work after they’re set up is misleading. 

When I was scrolling through my YouTube feed, I saw a video about YouTube automation and generating passive income monthly. 

However, this notion is flawed. YouTube is not like a lottery game where you don’t need any skills. 

You can’t just use AI tools to create a channel and automate it. YouTube has become highly competitive, with millions of channels out there. 

If your content doesn’t stand out, YouTube will not promote it due to its low value.

Using scripts generated from ChatGPT and voices from AI tools, which many people use, results in content that YouTube considers low value. 

Consequently, it doesn’t get promoted on the platform, making it challenging to generate passive income this way.


Passive income is not a good term. Instead, think of it as investing your time in something that eventually gives you results, much like long-term investments. 

While passive income can provide ongoing revenue, it usually requires significant upfront effort and ongoing maintenance. 

For example, creating and monetizing a blog, YouTube channel, or an online course involves continuous updates, marketing, and engagement with your audience.

4. Instant Success

You can achieve instant success and financial freedom quickly. 

It is a clickbait. It is not a reality that no one can achieve big success in a day or month.

For example if someone says that i just made one million dollars in a month by selling something on the internet so either he is lying or if he is talking real thing may it is his luck.


Success stories often highlight the end result but not the years of hard work and failures that led to it. 

Patience, perseverance, and learning from setbacks are crucial components of achieving long-term success.

Legitimate Methods

I will not show you some practical ways because my goal is to change your perspective towards these opportunities. 

When someone says ‘YouTube automation with AI tools’ and ‘make money online,’ instead of blindly following that advice, consider using AI tools to enhance your work. 

Use AI tools to correct mistakes in your script and generate sound if needed. AI tools are meant for productivity, not to replace all human efforts. 

On a YouTube channel, you need real value, not AI-generated generic content that no one watches.

Efforts matter; if you put in 10% effort and hope to get 100% results, it’s not fair. In any field, whether it’s e-commerce or blogging, you need to change your perspective. 

Don’t work just for money; enjoy the process. 

I strongly follow this universal rule: if you give to the world, the world gives you a lot in return. So, first, give something. 

Don’t waste your time on these schemes and YouTubers who are making their money by selling you unhelpful ways of making money. 

Find your own path, follow legitimate YouTubers, and read books by those who have achieved success through their efforts and not just luck.

In A Nutshell:

While making money online is possible, it’s not the easy, overnight success that many claim it to be. 

Stay informed, work hard, and most importantly, be wary of too-good-to-be-true promises. Thanks for watching, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful videos!


Andrew Wilson writes about current tech for real-world business applications, integrating practical psychology.

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